Saturday, June 18, 2011

Stephen Kellogg & the Sixers Field Day June 3-5, 2001

There are just some things one will never do with their favorite band. I can cross 3 legged race, Duck Duck Goose, Egg on a Spoon, Water Balloon Toss/fight, & Tug of War off my list. Night one consisted of probably the best setlist I have ever seen from the band. It was a night of B-Sides and Deep Cuts, all requested by the fans.

I have been begging SK to play a song for a short 6 years. It's a song that many of you probably haven't heard. It's called "Bees" and he played it once in '05 and the show got recorded. I downloaded and fell in love with the song, but Stephen didn't, so it never made the cut. He very unwillingly played it for me at this show and called it a conspiracy. I dare you to request it the next time you see them. This song needs some recognition.

Bees - Stephen Kellogg & the Sixers

Saturday morning, my girls & I headed to the park for Field Day festivities! We were pumped up from hearing "Eye of The Tiger" on repeat and ready to dominate! We counted off to determine teams and to no surprise, I ended up on Steamer's team. We got 3rd place in pretty much everything but had a blast doing so. Steam Team quote of the day - "Next year, we're having Steamer-themed keg stands and flip cup. We'll be sure to win!" Boots' team dominated and won pretty much every single event (by cheating). The rest of the day consisted of lots of Katy Perry, sunshine, burgers, cornhole, laughs & a ribbon ceremony.

The Saturday night show was a typical Sixers set - always awesome & entertaining. It finished just in time for us to hop over to The Alternate Routes show a few towns away. Such a fantastic music day!

Sunday morning, members of Sixertown (SK & The Sixers' fan club) met up for one final get together. We had brunch, chatted with the guys, said bye to new friends, got to vote as a group on a song to hear (Sun), & heard some new tunes out of a really great sound system (the back of the van). Let me just say, the new album is going to be fantastic.

Such a great weekend in Connecticut with great friends, a great group of musicians, and the best tour manager on the planet. The Steam Team is already training for next year!

1 comment:

  1. I love everything about this blog entry & everything about Field Day...minus your cheating accusations! We did NOT cheat, we are just superior Field Day competitors! GO TEAM BOOTS!

    In all seriousness though, so glad that this event finally happened and that I got to enjoy it with you,especially the hearing "Bees" part! We'll have to continue to conspire for next year's Field Day! :)
