Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Major Update - Summer 2011, I wish I knew how to quit you....

Between my new friendship with Krissie (@jrzygyrl), the introduction of Spotify to the U.S. & my obsession with, I have an abundance of new music. If only I could get off the DJ booth long enough to listen to it all!

Nothing is more satisfying to me than sharing new, great tunes with people. When heads start bobbing to my song of choice, I can't help but feel proud. I'm lame, I know.

So here's some stuff I have discovered through some DJ friends. Most of it I haven't given thorough listens to (nor have I purchased)because I haven't had time, but I've liked everything I've heard so far. -

Pepper Rabbit. Free downloads on Noisetrade.
Older Brother is a fixture in my TT queue.

Roman Candle. Check out their Daytrotter session.

Hey Rosetta! Free downloads on Noisetrade.

Here's some stuff I can thank Krissie for -

"Tommy and Krista" - Thirsty Merc
Kind of obsessed with this song. The video is awful though so beware.

Justin Hopkins.  Listen on his facebook page.

She played a great song, "Perfect Day", by a band The Constellations for me. A few days later I went to see Horrible Bosses and heard it in the movie. That's just weird.

Finally, here's some stuff I didn't need any help with -

The new TFDI album. Anything that has Tony Lucca's name on it deserves a listen. When mixed with a little Matt Duke and a little Jay Nash, it's even better. Get When I Stop Running for $1.99 on amazonmp3.

Needtobreathe's new tunes. If "Slumber" and "Drive All Night" are any indication of what the new album is going to be like, I will surely love it.

Andrew Belle. I've been meaning to get his album The Ladder for a while but kept putting it off. WHY? Because I AM A MORON!! SO GOOD! Free download of a live show HERE.

And I've been rockin' this song for a while now thanks to various people. It is addicting and so fun! DANCE PARTY!

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